Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) allows for imaging of surface topology of a sample. The scan is a black-and-white image of the surface of a sample plate. The resolution of this technique reaches 10 nm at magnification of up to 200 000x. The method can be used for investigation of surface topology, nanoparticle size distribution, quality control of e.g. battery electrolytes, micelles, heterogeneous catalysts, 2D-materials and many more.
The report includes a sequence of images with discussed magnification of at least 3 areas of the sample. Statistical analysis, e.g. particle size distribution can be added at client’s wish.
Diffraction limit doesn’t allow for observation of anything that is smaller than the wavelength λ of the light that is used for this observation. Visible light has λ in order of 100 nm. Therefore, anything on a submicron level cannot be reasonably imaged with visible light. Further decrease of λ will turn the photons, the information carriers in these observations, into the X-rays that penetrate the matter and cannot be used for this type of imaging. SEM irradiates the surface of a sample with a focused electron beam. It initiates emission of secondary electrons by the atoms on the surface of the sample. Those electrons are registered with a detector, whose readouts are recalculated into surface topology.
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