Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique that allows for determining a molecular structure of a compound based on the energy absorption by the vibration movements of its bonds. The method generates a mid-IR spectrum (λ = 4000 – 500 cm-1 or 250 – 20 000 nm), where the distinct bands can be affiliated to characteristic chemical bonds. When compared to data banks, this information can help to identify:
• Structure of a molecule
• Effectiveness of a reaction
• Reactive groups on a surface
• Degradation of a sample
• And a lot more!
The report includes a table with instrument raw data, a pdf-spectrum with signed major peaks, and assignment of the most common chemical groups according to data banks. Please be aware that we cannot flawlessly determine the structure of your material, because you are the specialist in it. We can only speculate based on the experimental data, which chemical groups we see there, and it is your job to assign it to your conception of its molecular structure.
On the atomic level, the matter can operate only with discrete amounts of energies. This energy can be transferred as quants vibrating with unique wavelengths. That means, if a certain reaction or a structural change requires N among of energy, only a quant carrying this amount of energy can initiate it. All other quants will be deflected. Atoms are complicated structures of charged particles. When atoms form a bond, they create a stable interaction, which is not fully rigid and can move via all kinds of rotations and stretchings. To initiate any of these movements, the bond has to absorb a very specific quant, whose amount of energy is unique for each bond and each movement. However, due to imperfections of the technology, interferences, and statistical overlapping processes, only very distinct signals can be defined.
The light source in an FTIR device emits a broad band light. It comes through a Michelson interferometer, which constantly moves its mirrors and only the light of certain wave lengths, i.e. quant energies, can pass through it at each selected moment. The device measures the intensity of absorbed by the sample light and calculates the massive of functions for each configuration of the interferometer, i.e. wave length, giving as an output the absorption spectrum in the whole studied range.
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