Certain molecules are capable of absorbing light of unique wavelengths in the spectral range 190 – 900 nm, which is usually referred to as ultraviolet and visible region (UV-vis). Here, distinct bands can be affiliated to characteristic chemical bonds. When compared to data banks, this information can help to identify:
• Structure of a molecule
• Effectiveness of a reaction
• Reactive groups on a surface
• Degradation of a sample and a lot more.
The sample should be soluble or suspensible in water or a common organic solvent e.g. chloroform, THF, etc. The method requires as little as 10 mg of the material. However, for the sake of manipulation, we would ask for at least 100 mg. We understand that certain substances can be achieved only on ng scale. If it’s your case, get in contact with us and we find a common solution. The samples can be delivered as solid bulk, powder, liquid or already prepared solution in a solvent of a proper purity. Analysed materials can be organic compounds, polymers, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and many more. If you don’t know this about your sample, ask us !
A standard report includes raw data and experimental spectrum. If you are looking for a in-depth analysis, ask us !
UV-vis spectroscopy is based on presence of unique energy levels in molecules. Transition of a molecule to a higher energy level can only happen, when a photon of a specific energy, i.e. wavelength, is absorbed. The difference between energy levels is unique for each compound and are affected by molecular structure, conformation, etc. In the experiment, a liquid sample, usually a solution is irradiated with a broad spectrum light. Then, the studied molecules absorb on their characteristic wavelengths and the spectrophotometer detects the spectrum of transmitted light. The spectra can be quantified using Beer-Lambert law.
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